Call for an appointment! (508-839-0040)



Beginning November 5, 2018 all appointments will be at out new office at:

126 Worcester Street

North Grafton, MA. 01536

Thank You for visiting O'Malley Family Chiropractic.  Dr. Tom and Dr. Kathy O'Malley have been serving Grafton since 2001.


Here's what just a few of our patients have given us permission to share...

"In June of 2003, I was experiencing such intense arm pain that I had to hook my left thumb in a belt to carry my left arm. Additionally, I could not turn my head to the left to engage in something as simple as a conversation. Due to this constant discomfort, sleeping at night was almost impossible. I felt like I merely rested for short periods of time rather than actually going to sleep. I was again eating prescription pain meds like M&Ms. I should note that before seeing Drs. O`Malley I was told that the pain was something I would just have to get used to. Since seeing Dr. O'Malley it has been months since I have considered taking a prescription med for pain. I can use my left arm normally again. The range of motion I now have with my head feels like it is back to where it was before my injuries. My overall physical well-being has improved well beyond what I thought was possible. This is due entirely to the treatment I received from the Drs. O`Malley. They apply their treatment in a very friendly manner and it works. Chiropractic is now a permanent part of my healthcare routine. I wholeheartedly recommend chiropractic in general, and the Drs. O`Malley in particular, to anyone interested in improving their overall well being. Thank you O`Malley Health and Wellness Center.

Paul Damery


"I began seeing Dr. O'Malley in Oct. 2012 while I was 10 weeks pregnant and I was experiencing severe hip pain. Almost immediately after seeing Dr. O'Malley the pain lessened. I was so thankful to be able to sleep through the night again. I continued seeing Dr. O'Malley for chiropractic care for the duration of my pregnancy and beyond. His treatments helped tremendously as my body adjusted to support the baby. I strongly feel the care I received contributed to a smooth pregnancy, preparing my body for the birth and helping me to heal afterwards. I would strongly recommend chiropractic care to all pregnant woman and feel Dr. O'Malley provided the ideal support for my particular needs. I cannot thank him enough!"

Jennifer Smith  


“As an internal medicine specialist, I was doing everything I knew to treat my own back pain, including stretching exercises, hot/cold compresses and high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.  I am now convinced that chiropractic care should be included in everyone`s health maintenance program.  We would see less irreversible spinal problems, which cause enormous burden and disabilities.  I also am appreciative of the care my daughter has received.  She is very comfortable with Drs.  O'Malley.”

Mireya Wessolossky, M.D.


We are grateful for all our patients who entrust us with their health and wellness needs.  We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.  Call 508.839.0040 to schedule an appointment. 

Yours in health,  

Dr. Tom O'Malley and Dr. Kathy O'Malley


We are also certified by the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners to give D.O.T. physicals and issue medical certification cards to commercial drivers.  As of May 21, 2014, CMV drivers must get medical certificates from certified medical examiners. 

Health Articles

Woman Regains Will to Live Under Chiropractic Care
Woman Regains Will to Live Under Chiropractic Care
The Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published a report in their 2023 fourth quarter issue documenting the case of a woman who, prior to receiving chiropractic care, was in severe neuropathic pain for so long that she considered ending her life. Neuropathic pain is nerve pain that is not the direct . . .
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Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
A case study reported in the fourth quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documented the case of a young boy who was helped by chiropractic with issues of aggression, hyperactivity, and poor social functioning stemming from his Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ASD). . . .
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Infertility Resolved Under Chiropractic Care - A Documented Case Study
Infertility Resolved Under Chiropractic Care - A Documented Case Study
A case study reported in the third quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documents the case of a woman suffering with infertility who was able to become pregnant with the addition of chiropractic care. . . .
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Notalgia Paresthetica Helped by Chiropractic - A Case Report
Notalgia Paresthetica Helped by Chiropractic - A Case Report
On February 1, 2024, the result of a case study was published on the open access research site Cureus that documented the positive outcomes of a patient under chiropractic care who was suffering with notalgia paresthetica (NP). According to the Cleveland Clinic website, “Notalgia paresthetica is a neurological . . .
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Office Hours

7:30 - 11:00am, 3:00 - 6:00pm
3:00 - 6:00pm
7:30 - 11:00am,  3:00 - 6:00pm
7:30 - 11:00am,  3:00 - 6:00pm
Emergencies Only
Emergencies Only
Emergencies Only


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